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Advancing Wellness & Performance with Technology

Our Brain Lab was born out of the need to bring options to Wyoming, that offer innovative ways to help treat brain-based disfunctions. Our clinic includes research and and evidence-based technology, proven to provide results. We believe that in order to truly integrate mind, body and soul, in the most holistic ways possible, an array of services customized to the need of each individual is necessary. Whether your care requires a lot or a little, we offer something for everyone. 


Your brain is where mind and body come together. Just like you can train your body to build stamina, strength, or flexibility, you can train your brain. For thousands of years, people have used meditation and prayer to change the brain by training the mind. For the past 50 years, though, biofeedback technology has made a much faster and easier option possible: Change the mind by training the brain directly!

Brain Lab Walk-In Clinic

We offer a walk-in clinic for HEG brain training Thursday - Saturday 7 am to 7 pm. Much like a gym, you can pop in for session when it works best for schedule. The benefits are better focus, less pain, reduced symptoms of ADHD and more. Sessions are anywhere from 10-30 minutes. You can do them as often as daily. 

Interactive Metronome

Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based training and assessment tool. IM is shown to improve cognition, attention, focus, memory, speech/language, executive functioning, comprehension, as well as motor & sensory skills in children and adults. 

Brain Training

We offer the best-in-class approach for neurofeedback and programming to our clients.  When making our decision, our client’s needs were our only priority. The Advancement Center utilizes a whole brain approach, based on symptoms…not pathology or diagnosis. Our unique system is made possible through Brain-Trainer©, which is a brain training software program emphasizing an individualized approach designed solely for each person and their brain, who is experiencing symptoms. The Brain-Trainer© system is designed by practitioners NOT researchers. It offers practical proven programs, which are research-based and strategies which are useful in reducing problematic symptoms for thousands of people. When you give your brain real-time information about its energy levels, you can teach it to calm down or speed up, to shift more smoothly, and become more efficient. 

What Our Clients Say

Listening to Music

SL, Bank Vice President

"I love everything about Bio-Tuning. All I have to do is listen to the sounds and it is the easiest way to literally unwind and get your mind and body in a better place. I can't recommend The Advancement Center enough!"


1103 Old Town Lane, Suite 1

Cheyenne, WY 82009

**Inside the Brain Advancement Center Building



Schedule Free Consultations and Paid Sessions 

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